Nikki Blonsky * Amanda Bynes * Zac Efron * Elijah Kelly * Queen Latifah * James Marsden * Michelle Pfeiffer * Brittany Snow * John Travolta * Christopher Walken

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Essay

Why do you think the author chose to end the novel this way? (Please don't say " to make it more interesting and keep us guessing.")

Pages burning. A girl leaving. Hearts broken. Life moves on. Dai Sijie ended Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress with a bang. No other ending would have sufficed because of the theme of change and imagination, acceptance of reality, Lao's determination, and Balzac's brilliance.

The narrator and the Little Seamstress changed the most throughout the novel. The Little Seamstress going from an uneducated, impecunious country girl to a literate city woman thirsting for knowledge. The narrator's transformation became that of a magnificent storyteller who is unafraid to break the rules in order to obtain what he wants. Consequently, both the narrator and the Little Seamstress made their shift because of the books stolen from Four-Eyes. What the reader does not understand until the very end is exactly how much the Little Seamstress has embraced her change.

By far the most predominant theme in Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress is the use of imagination in Lao and the narrator's life. On several occasions, Lao and the narrator pretend to be someone else. They were the official Communist Party leader and his translator when they first met the old miller. They were thieves on their first mission during Four-Eyes's going away celebration. The narrator pretended to be Lao when he met Four-Eyes's mother, and he immersed himself in the illusion of a bodyguard/ soldier for the Little Seamstress while Lao was away. Both Lao and the narrator lived an imaginary life in order to stay away from the awful re-education the Chinese Revolution have brought upon them. By the end when Little Seamstress leaves, the boys have grown enough from the books to accept their position in life.

While Lao and the narrator enjoyed their time in a dream world, the two could not avoid reality forever. The stolen books and Little Seamstress taught them about life, love, and adventure. Count of Monte Cristo, swimming in the secret pond, and Pere Goriot set up a life of adventure and passion tinted with the cruel reality of dungeons, snakes, and danger. As the Chinese world caught up with them, the narrator and Lao realize that sooner or later they must give up Little Seamstress and move on with their lives. This acceptance is partly why they burn the books after she flees. The books and Little Seamstress are what helped them through their months of re-education. By the end, they have learned everything necessary for them to live, so when one leaves, the others become useless.

The other reason for Sijie to end the novel in this fashion is because of Lao's drive to educate Little Seamstress and the impact Balzac has on her. Lao once told the narrator, "She's not civilised, at least not enough for me (27!)" The whole point for Lao to read to her was so that Little Seamstress would become literate and civil in his eyes. Ironically, Lao's plan backfired. As Little Seamstress learned to love reading, she became more aware of the messages Balzac put in his books. The most important thing Lao's reading taught her was "...that a woman's beauty is a treasure beyond price (184)." At this revelation, Little Seamstress also realized that the boys treasured her beauty more than anything and did, in fact, place a price on it. They loved her for her beauty, which is the one thing that drove her away.

Sijie created the perfect ending. There is no other way he could have intertwined the major themes, Balzac's lesson, growth in the characters, and Lao's satisfaction of a perfectly executed transformation of Little Seamstress without having her abandon them and the books set on fire.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Othello Essay

In Othello, Iago acts as the "lightning" that strikes the "tree" of Othello, who is the "inevitable conductor." As a result, the charge emanates through Othello and shocks the characters in his immediate vicinity. Among these are Desdemona, Cassio, Rodrigo, Emilia, and Othello himself. In the tragic vision of Shakespeare, several select characters are often deemed tragic because of their interactions, intentions, and end result. The tragic characters are the innocent pawns of the conductor that try to help out, but in the end, often times die because of their naive actions.

Othello, "conductor" and victim of the "divine lightning," becomes the tragic figure as he stabbed himself with the knife. His end realization of his actions proves too much for him. With Othello being "one that loved not wisely but too well," he loved Iago as a brother and trusted him in every way. This love made him susceptible to Iago's poison. As he becomes more accustomed to listening to the "honest" observations of Iago, Othello questions more and more the loyalty of others. Although he never meant to harm Desdemona and Cassio, Othello did inadvertently open them up to the pestilence of Iago. The suicide of Othello created the tragic figure because of his release of his life as a token of compensation for the awful damage he helped to cause. Othello's acknowledgement of his role in Iago’s plans, the downfall of his noble character, and the unintentional conducting of Iago's poison to other characters created the tragic figure.

Along with the tragic figure come the victims. Cassio, Rodrigo, and Emilia all fall victim to the wrongdoings of the devil-impersonator. Cassio, although a pimp, remains loyal to Othello and a brother-like figure to Desdemona throughout the entire play. His main purpose lay in winning back his favor with Othello, which he lost due to Iago. Since he never swayed in his honest intentions but fell into Iago's trap, he becomes a victim of the tragic vision. Rodrigo, the naive friend of Iago who's blinding love for Desdemona creates a translucent character easily thrust into the net of chaos. Even though he willingly taunted the drunk Cassio into a fight, provided Iago with the financial means of fulfilling his evil plan, and helped set up the downfall of Othello, Rodrigo's intentions lie with the soul purpose of winning Desdemona's affections. The tragic part of Rodrigo's death is that he died for blind love and Iago's pleasure. While his character requires Rodrigo to be gullible and loyal to just about anyone, his only true mistake was listening and obeying. Emilia resembled Rodrigo in her love and devotion to Iago. After Emilia steals Desdemona's handkerchief, she carelessly says, "[w]hat he will do with it, / [h]eaven knows, not I. / I nothing, but to please his fantasy." Her objectives are to please her husband and remain in his favor regardless of the consequences. Unknowingly, she provided a key element to Iago's masterful plan. In the end, the love she had been searching for turns out to be the monster of destruction. She died for a listless love and in attempt to make right what she had done wrong to Othello and Desdemona. While each of these characters plays the tragic role of one of the victims, none could be more tragic than Desdemona.

In Desdemona's first soliloquy, the audience is left with the impression of a loyal, honest, and respectful woman who is unafraid to speak her mind to the men in her life. Her love and loyalty for Othello crudely mixed with his jealous state of mind to create a strong, but tense relationship between the two. Then Desdemona and Cassio's brotherly friendship pushes her to help the falling out of Othello and Cassio. Much to Iago's pleasure and contentment, these two factors setup the perfect stage in which his plan will unfold. His cruel use of the most innocent, friendly, good-natured, honest woman in Othello makes Desdemona the most tragic victim of the entire play.

Each of the pawns in Shakespeare's Othello has their own level of tragedy. However, they all share a few characteristics in common: the unintentional act of propelling Iago's plan further into action, the innocent intention to do good, and the end result of a world torn apart. Whether Iago initiated the actions of the victim or Othello inadvertently caused a violent chain reaction, each of the characters mentioned play a key role in the tragic vision of Shakespeare.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Has the Bad Guy Always Been Bad?

Do you believe that people can be born innately evil or is evilness something that is learned? By evil, I mean any act that is mean-natured, cruel, and/or intentionally harmful either physically or mentally.

People definitely learn evilness through interactions with others. It's an endless cycle of life. We learn it from older people who learned it from even older people to be mean and nasty. And someday, if that day has not already come, we will unknowingly teach some little kid to be cruel and heartless as well. Children learn through imitation. If you watch little kids walking with their parents, you will often find them walking the same way. If the dad has his hands in his pocket, so will the little boy. If the mom walks with her arms crossed, more than likely, so will the daughter.
This copying is especially apparent in siblings. I remember when I was in about second grade, my older sister invited a friend over to spend the night. They went into the basement to play dress-up, and, naturally, I wanted to tag along seeings as I was friendless and sisterless for the night. So I come down stairs to play with them only to be shot down by a horrifying "NO, YOU CANNOT PLAY WITH US!!!" In response to me not leaving the room immediately, my sister's friend took a plastic, yellow pot from our play area and threw it at my head. Of course, I got hit and went crying to mom. Besides receiving a bruised head that night, I walked away having learned two new things: 1. I really did not like that particular friend of my sister's, and 2. always result to hitting when someone is bugging you. Needless to say, my mom corrected my disillusionment after I attempted the same thing on some other unsuspecting kid... My point, however, is that children only learn from seeing and doing. Seeing being the most dominant of the two.
I have, however, heard of some people literally being born without the ability to have emotion. It's a medical condition and could possibly result in an innately evil person. I'm not sure, but it could happen.

Friday, November 9, 2007

What's Love Got To Do With It?

The complexities of love are born out of human nature. People are always doing things to make life even more confusing. In middle school, you hit the person you like instead of giving them a hug. Your parents tell you they made your life miserable for a while because they love you. Sisters and brothers often can't stand each other and fight all the time, but they still love one another. These paradoxes are what make love and life so dang difficult. Love is the power to want to kill a person but never doing so because you need them in you life.

Friday, October 26, 2007

All Grown Up

Growing up creates multiple conflicts that teenagers must face everyday. Here are some that really get to me....
1) When you're young, parents are seen as perfect, without flaws. Unfortunately, as you get older, you more easily recognize everything they do wrong and often search for their faults. This causes unnecessary arguments and hatred.
2) Every child starts out loving school. By the time they hit middle school, the passion for learning is lost. You go to school out of habit. It's what you know, so it's what you do. Instead of loving school for you favorite subject and teachers, teens often go for the socializing, being away from family, and 30 minutes of lunch. While we go to school and somewhat enjoy our classes and discussion on the First Derivative Test, we still can't wait to get out.
3) Growing up usually means trying to convince parents that you're responsible enough to do things without them. But, at the same time, you don't wont too much responsibility (especially the financial kind.)
4) The most difficult lesson we must learn is how to balance school, homework, family, friends, work, and fun time all at the same time. We're expected to participate in every form of activity almost everyday. The stress is immense, but the life is incredible.

Despite all the struggles and lessons to be learned, I wouldn't change one thing.

Friday, October 19, 2007

White Bones and Chocolate Pie

Family. What does that mean? There are so many different types of family. You could be talking about the people who live with you, your extended family, or even your family of close friends. My personal favorite is talking about my extended family, especially on my mother's side. My grandparents had five kids who, in turn, each had two or three kids of their own. That leaves me with one grandmother (my grandpa died), one great-aunt, eight aunts and uncles, ten cousins, four cousin-in-laws, two parents, two sisters, and even more second cousins of whom I usually forget their names. Talk about a full house!

Several times a year, mainly on holidays like Easter, Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving, we all get together at my Uncle David's house. He lives in South Georgia on a farm with 200 acres of land and a beautiful house with a swimming pool. Usually, about forty to fifty of my extended family shows up for about two to three days. We eat LOTS of food, swim, and play on the farm. On a typical day, we (my cousins, sisters, and I) swim for two hours, eat lunch about 12 O'clock, play a game or two of Jeopardy on the computer while we digest, then take the old Ford out for a spin in the fields. We like to call it a FIELD-trip. Get it. Ha! Anyways, we go out looking for cows, and we usually have either a scavenger hunt or some form of game. You wouldn't believe how many things we have found over the years: stripped-of-the-flesh cow bones, wild coyotes, giant turkeys, baby deer, and a cow in labor. The stories I could tell you.... Then we head back to the house for another feast my aunts and uncles have spent all afternoon preparing. After dinner, the adults come outside and watch the kids play a game of either kickball or basketball. Then comes dessert. Chocolate pie with homemade whipped cream. Need I say more? By the time I go to bed, I've had about thirteen hours of none stop fun. For me, it's heaven-on-earth.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Knowledge Vs. Ignorance: What's the Difference?

All that I know is that I know nothing. I guess everyone has to start somewhere. I think that freewill/the choices we make leads us to our fate. Unfortunately, there is no way to prove this theory of mine, so how can I know if it is true. Fate sucks, man! It's a viscous cycle of knowing and understanding, which leads to answerless questions. They say that knowledge is power. Well, this unit has proved to me that knowledge only makes us aware of how incredibly naive we are. Now do I not only doubt my ability to spot motifs in a play written hundreds of years ago, but I also doubt my life "plan". If I don't have control over it, and I don't know who has control over it, what the heck am I doing here??!!!!!! The words "aimless wondering" just popped into my head. The one thing I am completely sure of is that how we react to situations filled with the unknown determines who we are. Who the heck cares what your accomplishments and failures are. All people should really care about is who you are as a person, what are your good qualities. This kind of leads to responsibility. Will you take responsibility for being a part in the action, or will you run away screaming, trying your best to deny what happened?

My number one question is- does your fate depend on your responsibility/who you are. Take Harold Crick, for example. He changed his fate by merely accepting it with grace. That is the kind of person Harold Crick is. But Oedipus didn't have that luxury, and he accepted his fate. A little too late, maybe. And we're back. A VISCOUS CIRCLE. What depends on what? That is my real question.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Freewill vs. Fate

That truly is the eternal question. Freewill or fate is almost like asking science or religion? Neither is ever fully right or wrong. It's simply a matter of the brain vs the heart, what kind of person you are. I would normally say that it's a combination, but IF I had to choose, I would say freewill.

There's a saying people have; "Everything happens for a reason." I've found that to be false, but at the same time frighteningly true. It's a paradox. Wow!!! For example, if someone brakes into your house, rifles through all your belongings, and takes whatever it is he or she wants, there are two ways to look at this situation. One side says that the thief, having little himself, randomly selected a house on a street (that just so happened to be your own) and snuck in to grab what he deemed necessary for his survival. Whether he took food and clothes, or he snatched jewelry and a camera to pawn off for food money. While you never know the real truth, the rational side explains the mentality behind it all.

On the other hand, there's religion. This side states that you were robbed so that God helps you understand humility and forgiveness. Yeah, right!!!! Being stolen from doesn't make you a better person, and it certainly doesn't make you feel sympathy towards the thief.

Even though "everything happens for a reason" both rationally and religiously speaking, I choose to believe the rational side. The side that says the thief's freewill (combined with other circumstances) lead him to bombard your house on that less than fateful afternoon. Freewill is what it's all about.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Big Bang vs. Personal Satisfacion

Which would it be?
1. Living a long, average-Joe life, but remaining known only to a small group of people, or
Living large, dying in your early twenties, but remaining insanely famous for the next 1,000 years.

The choice is obvious to me. Average-Joe all the way. While being famous is high on some people's priority list, to me fame is merely a relative state of being. When fame is mentioned, most people automatically think of the cliched movie star who runs around at parties, acts like an idiot, and makes the daily tabloids. But
who's to say what famous really is anyway. There are many different types of fame. You could be rock star famous or founder-of-a-secret-island famous or even small-town-America kind of famous. You don't have to live it up in Hollywood to become known. Think about it, corpses that have been popping up daises for decades are still recognized everyday for their accomplishments. Newton, Einstein, Caesar, George Washington, and many, many more. Not to mention the fact that all these people lived long, satisfying lives and died at old ages.

Furthermore, what is so wrong with getting educated, finding a well paying job, settling down, traveling the world, raising kids, and growing old with the one person you've been able to stand for more then five minutes at a time for the rest of your life? Absolutely nothing. That's my plan. Even though my life so far may seem short in comparison to others, I have learned at least one important thing about myself. I'd much rather prefer to have many small, spaced out adventures with my close friends than to have one big adventure with random people I've never met before. But that's just my personal preference.

One other thing to consider is that people who die young and go out with a bang most often have the most painful ways of dying. When you look back on history, there have been rapes and murders, drug overdoses, bullet wounds that slowly kill you, drowning, and suffocation with poisonous gases. Now, which one would you want. Take your pick, but they all sound very painful to me. Old people are suppose to die, so naturally theirs would be much more painless. Those who want to die famous and young will probably have the saddest end of all.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Hidden Savior

When I was younger, one of my favorite things to do was read a book. Whether my mom read out loud imitating the characters voices, or I read to myself slowly so as to not miss a single word, reading (for me) was a way to experience the world. Some of my all-time favorite books include Esperanza Rising, Chasing Redbird, and Who's Going to Take Care of Me?. As I look back on these stories, a few similarities pop out in my mind. First off, each book's protagonist is an outsider. They were either put this way due to a certain situation or by merely the nature of their personalities. Either way, they somehow are left out in the world. The second similarity appears in the shape of a boy. In these books, the boy, who in a sense is a savior, provides comfort in the vast world of insecurities. My interest always lies in whether the boy becomes a dear friend, or maybe something more. I like to think that everyone has a special person that takes away the anxiety one feels when forced into a strange situation.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

One In The Same

"The world, friend Govinda, is not perfect or on a slow journey toward perfection; no, it is perfect every moment; all sin already bears its forgiveness within itself; every little boy already bears the old man within himself, every infant bears death, every dying man bears eternal life. No one is able to look at someone else and know how far along on his journey he is; in the highwayman and dice player lurks a Buddha, in the Brahman lurks the highwayman." p. 77 Siddhartha

The quote from Siddhartha, implies that every emotion, every action already presides in each individual aspect of life. You aren't born either good or bad. You aren't either a success or a failure. You aren't either shy or outgoing. You're everything at once. Everything is inside you just waiting to be let out. What we see as an outside observer is one particular emotion or action at one time. I does not mean you are always that way. It simply means you expressed that part of you at that moment. Everyone has the potential to be everything.

Living in a western society, we as a group do not think in this mindset. We tend to believe that first impressions can tell us almost anything about a person. But based on Siddhartha, a first impression only reveals the specific emotion that person held at that time. Judging someone on your first meeting can be quite deceitful. However, in America, we think life is a journey and depending on where you are, it will determine who you are at that point in life.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Maelstrom of High School

High school. What a paradox of standards. The education department tries to instill a love of learning, yet most students don't even want to be there. They're forced to attend school against their will, sit in a classroom for 7 hours, and come home to 4 grueling hours of homework. By middle school, kids have already lost their interest.
Then, there's the whole motto of "Diversity, Honor, Success" which doesn't seem to work real well. The classes are largely segregated based on cognitive abilities. Cafeteria tables separate boys from girls (admittedly because of the kids). People cheat on tests, steal others' school supplies, and vandalize the bathrooms. Not to mention the drop out rate. Where’s the "diversity, honor, and success"? The reality of high school mixed with the not completely far-fetched ideals of the school system creates an everyday paradox of hypocrisy.

As for me, I live my life counting. Counting the minutes until the next bell. My life is divided into three sections. First, there's the morning part. I enter my day to a warm shower, music filling my ears, and a giant breakfast for eight. Then by 8:35, the second part of my day begins. I measure the seven hours by classes. I think..."One class down, three more to go. Second block is over, only half a day left!!!" That is my school life. The ticking of the clock and ringing of the bell signaling the end of another "lovely" class. Outside, during the third part of my day, I measure time by the things I have to accomplish. When I have finished them all, my day is done.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Two-Faced Icons

Parents. You would think that a two-syllable word would be easy enough to understand. However, the seven letters hold in them a vast whirlpool of emotions. For starters, we all hate parents at some point or another. But why??? Is it the constant nagging about what you're doing, whom you're hanging with, what time you'll be home, or whether all your homework is completed? Or is it that parents have some crazy, disillusioned idea that no matter how old you are they will always be right about everything? Or is it that parents don't give you any freedom and responsibility until they realize your full potential of running their errands for them?

Whichever one of these you hate most, you can't help but love them. Parents support you when you struggle. They love you when you fail. And, they do whatever necessary to get you back on your feet. Despite the frequent arguing and angry words spoken, you almost have to look up to their persistence and patience in leading you toward the path of integrity. Parents are an idol among idols. Modest and often forgotten, they shape us into the people we become. Whether they physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually guide us, parents always (no matter good or bad) have an effect on our lives.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Past, Present, and Future

"Every cloud has a silver lining."

"Hey old friend, together
Side by side and year by year
The road was filled with twists and turns
Oh but that's the road that got us here.
Let's move past the bad times
But before those memories fade
Let's forgive but not forget
And learn from all the mistakes we made"
-Hairspray Cast

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
-George Orwell, 1984

What's one thing every living person has in common, no matter how old and no matter how young? Their past molded them into who they are now, and they await the future to see who they will later become. Everyone changes either physically, emotionally, or spiritually. In my opinion, the three quotes listed above connects to everyone in the world in some way or another.

For me, an optimistic lifestyle is the way to go. No matter what has happened or what will eventually happen, I always try to accept the fact that something good(despite its size) will come my way.

Do you ever just find yourself remembering anything and everything that's happened to you? One of my best friends and I often talk about our past together. Whether our minds take us to the most blissful or the most troublesome memories we possess, it's important for us to keep them. I truly believe that people are not different because of how they look, but rather how they have grown up. Every decision made turns us into someone unique. Only one person will ever follow the exact same path.

The last quote, which appears in the novel 1984 by George Orwell, doesn't so much represent me as it just expresses an idea which I find intriguing. Obviously, those who lived in the past have shaped the future into what it has become. As far as present-day people controlling the past is concerned, I'm not sure how that works. In the novel 1984, however, a political party really does control the past. They either destroy all evidence of the past, or they alter any kind of written documentation of a past event. While that seems a bit extreme to me, who knows what kinds of alterations today's society could make to past records. Whatever the end result, you can be sure that our future was somehow shaped by the past.